Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation

  1. Sep 19, 2013  In this post, we demonstrate a couple of different ways to set the primary key in MS Access. A Primary Key is defined as “a unique key that can uniquely identify each row in a table”. The actual Key itself can be an auto-generated ID number, a known unique number (such as a social security number) or even a text field.
  2. Text-manipulation A set of text manipulation commands: escape/unscape, convert tabs to spaces and back, base64 encode/decode, convert between case styles, compute hashes, etc.
  3. Text Mechanic™ – Text Manipulation Tools. Welcome to TextMechanic.com! Simple, single task, browser based, text manipulation tools.

If this was Oracle or Postgresql, of course we would use sequences, but that isn't available in MySQL. Personally, I would not go to Rome to order the sushi. However, there is the function uuid.

The Wolfram Language has uniquely flexible capabilities for processing textual data. It can operate at the level of strings and characters or at the level of words and sentences. It can also operate semantically, through its extensive built-in natural language understanding capabilities.

Text Acquisition

Import import text from files or the web

'Text', 'PDF', 'TeX', 'HTML' pick out plaintext, table data, etc.

NotebookImport import text from a notebook

FindList search files for records containing particular strings

TextString convert arbitrary expressions to text

TextRecognize extract text from images using OCR


DeleteStopwords delete standard stopwords ('the', 'and', etc.) from a string

StringSplit split a string at newlines or other delimiters

Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 4


Structural Text Manipulation

TextCases extract symbolically specified elements

TextSentences extract a list of sentences

TextWords extract a list of words

SequenceAlignment find matching sequences in text

StringExpression general string pattern Microsoft visio professional 2010 product key generator.


WordCounts count occurrences of words and -grams

Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation Free


Classify classify strings based on training data or built-in classifiers

Natural Language Processing

LanguageIdentify determine the language of a text

DictionaryLookup look up words in English and other dictionaries

WordData find semantic, grammatical, morphological, etc. properties of words

TextStructure parse text into its grammatical structure

TextContents generate a dataset of identified elements in text

SpellingCorrectionList list of spelling suggestions for misspelled words

Interpreter attempt to interpret strings of a wide variety of types



Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 2017

Manipulation Procedure Code