Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys

The keychain provides storage for passwords, encryption keys, certificates, and other small pieces of data. Some of these items are inherently secret, like private keys and passwords, while others are not, such as certificates. After storing data in the keychain, you can be confident that untrusted apps cannot access that data. Further, device backups contain only encrypted versions of the secret data.

Use the following APIs to work with keychain items:

  • Keychain Services. Use Keychain Services to explicitly add, delete, and edit keychain items, and—in macOS only—manage collections of keychains. See Keychain Services Reference for details.

  • Certificate, Key, and Trust Services. Manage certificates, public and private keys, symmetric keys, and trust policies. In particular, you can:

    • Create certificates and asymmetric keys.

    • Add certificates and keys to keychains.

    • Retrieve information about a certificate, such as the private key associated with it, the owner, and so on.

    • Convert certificates to and from portable representations.

    • Create and manipulate trust policies and evaluate a specific certificate using a specified set of trust policies.

    • Add anchor certificates.

    • Generate or verify a digital signature for a block of data.

    • Encrypt or decrypt a block of data.

    Certificate, Key, and Trust Services operates on certificates that conform to the X.509 ITU standard, uses the keychain for storage and retrieval of certificates and keys, and uses the trust policies provided by Apple. See Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Reference for more information.

  • Security Interface. To display the contents of a certificate in an macOS user interface, you can use the SFCertificatePanel and SFCertificateView classes. In addition, the SFCertificateTrustPanel class displays trust decisions and lets the user edit trust decisions.

Re: Certificate private key for signing Level 1 (0 points) jcaka Jun 9, 2017 12:56 AM (in response to Mihies) You can use the iOS app upload utility Appuploader, you can help you in the Windows environment to quickly apply for iOS certificate upload IPA to the App Store, very few mistakes, I have been using. Keys vary based on the operations they support. For example, you use public and private key pairs to perform asymmetric encryption, whereas you use symmetric keys to conduct symmetric encryption. Similarly, one key might work for a 1024-bit RSA algorithm, while another might be suitable for a 256-bit elliptic curve algorithm.

  1. Keys vary based on the operations they support. For example, you use public and private key pairs to perform asymmetric encryption, whereas you use symmetric keys to conduct symmetric encryption. Similarly, one key might work for a 1024-bit RSA algorithm, while another might be suitable for a 256-bit elliptic curve algorithm.
  2. Create a new certificate identity via the apple devloper portal In this case you'll need to log into the apple developer portal and use the assistant, as part of this you will need to create and upload a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) which will also create the public and private keys on the machine.
  3. How to Create an iOS Provisioning Profile and P12 with Windows. I’m assuming you have already registered as an Apple developer and have access to the developer portal. Now you can create your private key with the following command: openssl genrsa -out keyname.key 2048`.

Copyright © 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Updated: 2018-06-04

We are developing an i-phone app in Swift 5 that needs a SSH connection to a remote Windows server. Every night, data collected in SQLite database should be pushed to the Windows server. The approved authentication method is to use SSH server URL in port 22 and my user ID.

With a new firewall rule, I am able to connect using URL, port 22 and my user name, but I am not authenticated. From this point on, I need public keys exchanged and added at both ends. Obviouly, data encrption will need to be done using public keys and dedcryption with private keys.

I need to accomplish two tasks:

1. Create a keypair in iOS and send the public key to Windows Admin to add my user ID.

2. Add a public key sent by server admin to iOS keychain in my app for later use in data encryption

1. Creation of keypair in Swift 5

I used SecKeyGeneratePair to create key pair.


func createKeys1() {

var statusCode: OSStatus?

var publicKey: SecKey?

Microsoft office 2019 activation key generator. var privateKey: SecKey?

var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?

let publicKeyAttr: [NSObject: NSObject] = [

kSecAttrIsPermanent:trueas NSObject,

kSecAttrApplicationTag:'com.mycompany.mailtracking1.public'.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)! as NSObject,

kSecClass: kSecClassKey,

kSecReturnData: kCFBooleanTrue]

let privateKeyAttr: [NSObject: NSObject] = [

kSecAttrIsPermanent:trueas NSObject,

kSecAttrApplicationTag:'com.mycompany.mailtracking1.private'.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)! as NSObject,

kSecClass: kSecClassKey,

kSecReturnData: kCFBooleanTrue]

var keyPairAttr = [NSObject: NSObject]()

keyPairAttr[kSecAttrKeyType] = kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA

keyPairAttr[kSecAttrKeySizeInBits] = 2048 as NSObject

keyPairAttr[kSecPublicKeyAttrs] = publicKeyAttr as NSObject

keyPairAttr[kSecPrivateKeyAttrs] = privateKeyAttr as NSObject

statusCode = SecKeyGeneratePair(keyPairAttr as CFDictionary, &publicKey, &privateKey)

if statusCode noErr && publicKey != nil && privateKey != nil {

print('Key pair generated OK')


// I read that the key should be converted to base64 encoded format for external use, so the code below was added

// Generate exportable public key

let publicKeyData = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(publicKey!, &error)

// The above public key was sent to Windows server admin but he couldn't load it in server against my user name. He reported server locks and errors with multiple tries.

2. Add key sent by server admin to iOS keychain

var pKeyContents: String = '

var publicKey: SecKey?

var privateKey: SecKey?

var privateKeyAsData: Data?

var stringFromData: String = '

func addKeys1() {

// convert private key to PKCS#8 format

// This command worked in terminal

// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in -out

// It will prompt to enter PW twice

// -nocrypt was removed since it kept giving errors

// Refer stackoverflow search secitemadd-keep-return-50-error-in-swift

// secItemAdd keep return -50 error in swift

// The code below is to add a test key (a private key)

// I removed 'BEGIN...KEY' and 'END .. KEY' manually to file 'PkeyWOHeader' and added it to project bundle

iflet path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: 'PKeyWOHeader', ofType: 'txt')


do {

let contents = try String(contentsOfFile: path)

print('Printing Contents -- (contents)')

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys Without

pKeyContents = contents


catch {

print('Contents could not be loaded')



} else {

print('File not found')



// Now add the key to keychain

print('Start adding key')

let key: Data = .utf8)!

let tag: Data = 'com.mycompany.mailtracking2.private'.data(using: .utf8)!

let addQuery: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassKey,

kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: tag,

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys List

kSecValueData as String: key]

Ios Developer Mode

var result: CFTypeRef? = nil

let status = SecItemAdd(addQuery as CFDictionary, &result)

if status errSecSuccess {

print('Key successfully added')

} else {

iflet error: String = SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nil) as String? {


print('Error adding key')





I have been trying secItemAdd to add the Windows server key without success. secItemAdd completes without errors, but returns secKey as Nil. It appears, from several research in internet, that the iOS keychain has very unique requirements and is different from several other applications that use OpenSSL to do these kinds of things in minutes.

Site below suggests that keys generated in iOS is not in ASCII and needs a base64 decoder. In addition uses PKCS# 1 but is missing ASN1 preambles. So, accepting an external key would mean removing these preambles. Being new to iOS in general and cryptography in particular, I am not sure what this meant. I just added the Objective C code in Swift with a header bridge, etc. I still get a nil value for SecKey output

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys For Mac

The site below suggested using a GITHUB utility called CryptoExportImportManager(), but that also didn't help

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys 2017

If I were in Apple support, I would have ignored these third party solutions as 'not supported'. I get that. But, I am trying find a way to fix above two issues.

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys Download

Any help is appreciated

Apple Ios Developer Generate Private Keys For Windows 7
